JUAL LOCTITE 2422 High-Temp Resistant Thread Locking
Deskripsi Produk: Jual LOCTITE 2422 High-Temp Resistant Thread Locking Sakha.co.id adalah distributor LOCTITE 2422 High-Temp Resistant Thread Locking di Indonesia. LOCTITE sendiri merupakan perusahaan multinasional yang focus pada bisnis Adhesive Distributor LOCTITE 2422 Thread Locking, Distributor LOCTITE 2422 Thread Locking, Agen LOCTITE 2422 Thread Locking, Agen LOCTITE 2422 Thread Locking, Supplier LOCTITE 2422 Thread Locking, Supplier LOCTITE 2422 Thread Locking
Spesifikasi Produk:
High-temperature Resistant Thread Locking refers to the use of a thread locking Compound that can Withstand elevated temperatures without losing its effective
This type of thread locker is specifically designed to secure thread fasteners in applications where they are exposed to high heat or thermal cycling
Feature and Benefit:
- Thread Locking Compounds are formulated to Withstand high temperatures, typically ranging from several hundred to several thousand degrees Fahrenheit (or Celsius)
- High-temperature Resistant Thread Locking can handle the expansion and contraction that occurs during thermal cycling
- High-temperature Resistant Thread Locking offer good resistance to various chemicals, fluids, solvents, fuels, and oils commonly found in High-temperature environments
- High-temperature resistant thread locking Compounds provide resistance to Vibrations and Mechanical shocks, which are common in High-temperature environments.
Applications | : Threadlocking |
Color | : Biru |
Fixture Time | : 25 – 270 min. |
Key Characteristics | : Viskositas: Viskositas Tinggi |
Number of Components | : 1 Part |
Physical Form | : Pasta |
Technology | : Acryic |
Baca Juga : LOCTITE 277 ThreadLocker High Strength Glue
High-temperature Resistant Thread Locking merupakan penggunaan bahan perekat pengunci ulir yang dapat bertahan pada suhu tinggi tanpa kehilangan Efektivitasnya
Jenis pengunci ulir ini di rancang khusus untuk mengamankan elemen pengikat berulir dalam Aplikasi di mana mereka terpapar panas tinggi atau siklus termal
Fitur dan Kegunaan:
- Di formulasi kan untuk tahan pada suhu tinggi, biasa nya berkisar antara beberapa ratus hingga beberapa ribu derajat Fahrenheit (atau Celsius)
- Tahan suhu tinggi dapat menangani perluasan dan kontraksi yang terjadi selama siklus termal
- Menawarkan ketahanan yang baik terhadap berbagai bahan kimia, cairan, pelarut, bahan bakar, dan oli yang umum di temukan dalam lingkungan suhu tinggi
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