Jual CRC 18211 Stainless Steel Re-Nu 13Oz
Jual CRC 18211 Stainless Steel Re-Nu 13Oz
Deskripsi Produk: Jual CRC 18211 Stainless Steel Re-Nu 13Oz
Sakha.co.id adalah Distributor CRC 18211 Stainless Steel Re-Nu 13Oz di Indonesia. CRC sendiri merupakan perusahaan Multinasional yang focus pada bisnis Chemical Industrial. Distributor CRC 18211 Stainless, Distributor CRC 18211 Stainless, Agen CRC 18211 Stainless, Agen CRC 18211 Stainless, Supplier CRC 18211 Stainless, Supplier CRC 18211 Stainless
Spesifikasi Produk:
Re-Nu Stainless Steel is an Innovative solution designed to address this issue. The product comes in the form of an Easy-to-use pen Applicator. With the right chemical composition, this pen effective removes stains, scratch, and other signs of wear from the Stainless steel surface without damage its protective layer.
Feature and Benefit:
- Stainless Steel Re-Nu is formulated with powerful cleaning agents that effective remove stains, grease, Fingerprints, and dirt from Stainless Steel surfaces
- Product contains Abrasive particles that help to reduce the appearance of scratch on Stainless Steel
- Product leaves behind a thin protective layer on the Stainless Steel surface
- Stainless Steel Re-Nu comes in User-friendly package with a Convenient Applicator
- Stainless Steel Re-Nu helps to bring back the luster and shine of the stainless steel
Model Number | 18211 |
Net Fill | 13 Wt Oz |
Unit | 1 pc |
Appearance | Gray Viscous Liquid |
Propellant | Hydrocarbon |
Berat (Kg) | 0.4 |
Baca Juga : CRC 03079 Red Grease 11 Oz Aerosol, ONEBIZ.id
Stainless Steel Re-Nu adalah produk khusus yang di gunakan untuk merenovasi dan memulihkan permukaan Stainless steel yang kusam, tergores, atau rusak kembali ke kondisi semula. Stainless steel adalah jenis baja tahan karat yang terkenal karena ketahanannya terhadap karat, korosi, dan noda
Fitur dan Kegunaan:
- Produk ini mengandung partikel Abrasif yang membantu mengurangi tampilan goresan pada Stainless Steel
- Di rancang untuk mengembalikan kilau dan keindahan asli Stainless Steel
- Produk ini meninggalkan lapisan pelindung tipis di permukaan Stainless Steel
- Hadir dalam kemasan yang mudah digunakan dengan aplikator yang nyaman
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