Jual 99813 KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel L
Deskripsi Produk : Jual 99813 KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel, L
Sakha.co.id adalah distributor 99813 KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel, L di Indonesia. KLEENGUARD A70 sendiri merupakan perusahaan multinasional yang focus pada bisnis Safety. Distributor 99813 KLEENGUARD, Distributor 99813 KLEENGUARD, Agen 99813 KLEENGUARD, Agen 99813 KLEENGUARD, Agen 99813 KLEENGUARD, Supplier 99813 KLEENGUARD, Supplier 99813 KLEENGUARD, Supplier 99813 KLEENGUARD
Spesifikasi :
99813 KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel liquid resistant, extra long zipper
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel 1,5 mil polyethylene film coated spunbond polypropylene fabric
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel bound seams
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel patented REFLEX design is 7-1/2 times less likely to rip out than ANSI minimums-provides 12% more chest room and 6% longer body length
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel a wick away lining for enhanced comfort
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel taped strom flap
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel NFPA 99 compliant antistatic material
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel softer and quieter fabric
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel liquid resistant, extra long zipper
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel 1,5 mil polyethylene film coated spunbond polypropylene fabric
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel bound seams
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel patented REFLEX design is 7-1/2 times less likely to rip out than ANSI minimums-provides 12% more chest room and 6% longer body length
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel a wick away lining for enhanced comfort
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel taped strom flap
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel NFPA 99 compliant antistatic material
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel softer and quieter fabric
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel bound seams
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel patented REFLEX design is 7-1/2 times less likely to rip out than ANSI minimums-provides 12% more chest room and 6% longer body length
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel bound seams
KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel patented REFLEX design is 7-1/2 times less likely to rip out than ANSI minimums-provides 12% more chest room and 6% longer body length
Note :
Kelalaian dan penggunaan yang salah dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan fatal bahkan kematian.
Produk harus diganti apabila rusak, sobek, lubang ataupun terkelupas di bagian luar
Hentikan penggunaannya jika terjadi kontak bahan kimia dengan kulit dan segera ambil tindakan yang dibutuhkan
Apparel ini tidak tahan api. jauhkan dari percikan api karena bahan yang meleleh dapat berakibat fatal
Aplikasi Umum :
Pengolahan limbah berbahaya / biohazards, petrochemical / oil refining, acid / caustic handling. pembersihan tanki, farmasi
Baca Juga : 99814 KLEENGUARD A70 Chemical Spray Protection Apparel, XL, Onebiz.id
Prioritaskan keselamatan dan produktivitas dengan memilih Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) yang memungkinkan kenyamanan dan kebebasan bergerak.
Apa pun lingkungan Anda – mulai dari kamar bersih hingga pabrik kimia – kami akan memenuhi kebutuhan Anda dengan pakaian pelindung kami yang nyaman dan tahan lama.
Lindungi dari bahan kimia berair dan semprotan jet dengan A70 Chemical Permeation & Liquid splash Protection Coverall.
Ketersediaan : Nasional
Dimensi Paket
Kasus per Pallet: N/A
Kuantitas per Paket: N/A
Kuantitas per Kasus: 12 pakaian per kasus
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