Jual 3M 9332A+ Aura Disposable Valve Respirator

Jual 3M 9332A+ Aura Disposable Valve Respirator

Jual 3M 9332A+ Aura Disposable Valve Respirator. Untuk mengetahui produk 3M 9332A+ Aura Disposable Valve Respirator lebih lengkap, silahkan kunjungi laman berikut ini :

3M 9322A+ Aura Disposable Valve Respirator

Exhalation Valve

Respirator Sekali Pakai 3M™ Aura™ 9332+ memberikan kenyamanan dan gaya tanpa mengurangi kinerja. Melindungi dari debu dan kabut yang ditemukan di berbagai aplikasi industri dan situasi kerja lain yang membutuhkan perlindungan FFP3.

  • Respirator P3 sekali pakai lipat datar menawarkan perlindungan yang andal dan efektif terhadap tingkat debu halus, kabut, dan asap logam yang lebih tinggi
  • Teknologi filter resistensi pernapasan rendah untuk pernapasan yang lebih mudah melalui shift Anda
  • Desain 3-panel cerdik yang mengakomodasi gerakan wajah yang lebih besar saat berbicara sehingga lebih nyaman dipakai
  • Panel hidung terpahat untuk meningkatkan kompatibilitas dengan kacamata

– Dipergunakan dalam Industries ; Automotive, Commercial Solutions, Consumer Markets, Design & Construction, Electronics, Energy, Health Care, Manufacturing, Safety, Transportation.

– Memiliki banyak Brands didalamnya yaitu ; 3M Littmann Stethoscopes, Command, Filtrete, Nexcare, Post-it, Scotch-Brite™, Scotch™

– 3M memiliki products diantaranya yaitu :
Abrasives (Abrasive Belts ; Cloth Belts, Non-woven Belts, Abrasive Brushes, Abrasive Discs, Abrasive Sheets & Rolls, Abrasive Wheels, Custom Abrasives, Handheld Abrasives)
Adhesives, Sealants & Fillers ( Fillers, Flexible Adhesives, Glue Sticks & Tubes, Nozzles & Accessories, Sealants, Structural Adhesives, Windshield Adhesives)
Advanced Materials ( Ceramics, Composite Resins, Fluoropolymers, Glass Bubbles, Performance Chemicals, Building Materials, Cleaning Supplies, Coatings, Communications, Compounds & Polishes, Dental & Orthodontics, Electrical, Films & Sheeting, Filtration & Separation, Home, Insulation, Lab supplies & Testing, Lubricants, Medical, Office Supplies, Personal Protective Equipment, Signage & Marking, Tapes, Tools & Equipment, Polymer Processing Additives : 3M Dynamar™ Polymer Processing Additives have helped manufacturers improve both quality and output for a variety of extruded products – from the plastic bottles and bags in your cupboard to construction materials like pipe, cable and even artificial grass. 3M Dynamar™ PPA are effective at low use levels (100–1000 ppm), so just a small amount can reduce common processing issues like die build-up and melt fracture. That results in better surface quality, less waste, increased productivity, and a smoother extrusion process from start to finish.

Jual 3M 9332A+ Aura Disposable Valve Respirator

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