Jual CRC 06023 Battery Cleaner With Indicator 11 Oz Aerosol
Spesifikasi Produk :
CRC 06023 Battery Cleaner With Indicator 11 Oz Aerosol is a battery cleaning product designed to clean and detect harmful acid buildup on battery terminals and connectors. Manufactured by CRC Industries, this product helps maintain the optimal performance of batteries by preventing corrosion and ensuring better electrical connections. One of the unique features of CRC 06023 is its color indicator. When the product is sprayed onto the battery area, the solution changes color to reveal the presence of acid. A red color indicates the presence of acid, signaling that further cleaning is needed. This feature makes it easier for users to identify areas that require more attention, thus preventing larger issues caused by corrosion or acid leakage.
Feature and Benefit :
- Removes dirt, oil, grease, and other residues that accumulate on battery terminals and connectors.
- Helps prevent corrosion, which can disrupt electrical connections and reduce battery efficiency.
- Designed to be safe and non-damaging to battery terminals, connectors, and surrounding areas when used as directed.
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CRC 06023 Battery Cleaner With Indicator 11 Oz Aerosol adalah produk pembersih baterai yang dirancang untuk membersihkan dan mendeteksi keberadaan asam berbahaya pada terminal dan konektor baterai. Diproduksi oleh CRC Industries, produk ini membantu menjaga performa optimal baterai dengan mencegah korosi dan memastikan koneksi listrik yang lebih baik. Ketika produk disemprotkan ke area baterai, cairan akan berubah warna untuk mengungkapkan keberadaan asam. Warna merah menunjukkan adanya asam, yang mengindikasikan bahwa pembersihan lebih lanjut diperlukan.
Fitur dan Manfaat :
- Menghilangkan kotoran, minyak, grease, dan residu lain yang menumpuk di terminal dan konektor baterai.
- Membantu mencegah korosi yang dapat mengganggu koneksi listrik dan mengurangi efisiensi baterai.
- Dirancang agar aman dan tidak merusak terminal baterai, konektor, atau area sekitarnya jika digunakan sesuai petunjuk.
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