Jual SOL7324250K Solent Maintenance De-Ionised Water
Deskripsi Produk: Jual SOL7324250K Solent Maintenance De-Ionised Water Sakha.co.id adalah distributor Solent Maintenance SOL7324250K De-Ionised Water di Indonesia. Solent Maintenance sendiri merupakan perusahaan multinasional yang focus pada bisnis Chemical Distributor SOL7324250K Solent. Distributor SOL7324250K Solent, Agen SOL7324250K Solent Maintenance, Agen SOL7324250K Solent Maintenance, Supplier SOL7324250K Solent Maintenance, Supplier SOL7324250K Solent Maintenance
Spesifikasi Produk:
Maintenance De-Ionised Water is a product that refers to water that has received De-ionization process to remove dirt and ions, result in highly purified water. It is commonly used in various applications where the presence of dirt and Minerals can be detrimental.
Feature and Benefit:
- Water goes through a specialized De-ionization process that removes dissolved dirt Minerals, and ions from the water, result in highly purified water
- De-ionization process ensures a high level of purity, making the water free from contaminants, such as Minerals, salts, and other dirt
- Maintenance De-Ionised Water can be used in various applications (Automotive cooling system, steam irons, Batteries, Laboratory, experiments and more)
Additional Features | : Can be used as a final rinse in car washing |
For use in Lead-acid car Batteries | |
Suitable for domestic appliances such as steam irons and steam cleaners | |
Suitable for rinsing scientific glass ware | |
Size | : 25ltr |
Product Type | : De-Ionised Water |
Baca Juga : SOL7329450K Solent Maintenance Leather Cleaner Aerosol
Maintenance De-Ionised Water adalah produk yang mengacu pada air yang telah melalui proses De-Ionisasi untuk menghilangkan kotoran dan Ion, sehingga menghasilkan air yang sangat murni. Produk ini umumnya di gunakan dalam berbagai Aplikasi di mana keberadaan kotoran dan Mineral dapat merugikan
Fitur dan Kegunaan:
- Air menjalani proses De-ionisasi khusus yang menghilangkan kotoran terlarut, Mineral, dan Ion dari air, menghasilkan air yang sangat murni
- Proses De-ionisasi memastikan tingkat kemurnian yang tinggi, sehingga air bebas dari kontaminan seperti mineral, garam, dan kotoran lainnya
- Maintenance De-Ionised Water dapat digunakan dalam berbagai Aplikasi (sistem pendinginan Otomotif, setrika uap, baterai, percobaan Laboraturium, dan lainnya
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